Check these r/Zelda Wiki Pages:ĭo not post spoilers for games in general if someone shows they are still playing it.īut, for new releases, do not post unmarked spoilers for the first 2 months of release.Ĭomments must use the format: >!text goes here!<, ex: text goes here. You can read more on its naming origins here. Think of TrueZelda as the /r/Games of /r/Gaming. This is a place for more discussion orientated topics that may not see as much attention in our 2 million subscriber sister subreddit /r/Zelda. For newer users it can come off as pretentious, but that's not its goal. It was a common naming pattern in the older years of reddit for a place for more discussion.
The goal of /r/TrueZelda is to provide a place for informative and interesting Zelda related content and discussions.